Mining & Infrastructure Company (Udaipur) - Case Study

Mining & Infrastructure Company – Udaipur


  • Industry: Mining, Construction, and Infrastructure Development
  • Location: Udaipur
  • Fuel Consumption: 6000 to 8000 liters per day


This leading mining and infrastructure development company faced difficulties managing fuel operations due to manual processes. Their daily consumption of 6000 to 8000 liters of fuel meant significant potential for unaccounted losses.

  • Manual Dipstick Measurements: Relying solely on dipsticks for fuel measurement lacked a secondary verification method, making it difficult to track fuel shortages.
  • Inefficient Reporting: The absence of a cross-checking mechanism for fuel consumption reports created management challenges.


The company implemented Hectronic’s end-to-End Fuel Management System (FMS) in a phased approach:

  • Trial Phase: The FMS was initially tested at one site in Udaipur for 7-8 months. The positive results led to its deployment across all locations.
  • Technological Integration: The solution included a combination of decantation, top loading, stationary FMS, and RFID-enabled Bowser solutions for their entire fleet.


  • Decantation Solution:
    • Fuel Savings: Over 24 months, the implementation saved approximately 90,640 liters of fuel, translating to substantial cost reductions.
    • Fuel Shortage Detection: The system identified fuel shortages from suppliers, a challenge with manual methods.
  • Top Loading Solution:
    • Efficiency Improvement: The top loading system reduced refueling time from 40-50 minutes to 20 minutes per bowser, saving over 436 man-hours over 18 months.
    • Productivity Gains: Reduced refueling times directly impact overall productivity.
    • Transparency: The RFID-based refueling system ensured complete transparency, eliminating unauthorized fuel use.
    • Automation: Automated data entry replaced manual reporting, minimizing errors.
    • Dedicated Resource: A Fuel Champion was appointed to analyze fuel consumption, identify abnormalities, and address them promptly.


The implementation of Hectronic FMS provided significant benefits, including substantial fuel savings, increased efficiency, and improved transparency. Automated systems and a dedicated fuel management resource ensured accurate monitoring and control, enhancing overall productivity. The successful trial and subsequent widespread implementation demonstrate the effectiveness of Hectronic solutions in managing high fuel consumption environments in the mining and infrastructure industry. The company’s ongoing use of the FMS for new vehicles and Bowsers highlights the value and lasting impact of this collaboration.

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